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Large engine. Current specials. Click here to view our specials


Expressway has parts for all makes of heavy trucks. We stock and distribute large volumes of parts and consumables to customers across Ontario.


Our inventory is approximately 4 million dollars and with annual sales exceeding $20 million. Expressway leverages its purchasing power by buying in large volumes and in many cases will ship directly from the manufacturers’ warehouse to your facility.


Real time inventory control, a small fleet of Expressway owned delivery vehicles, and direct access to the manufacturers’ warehouses ensure prompt delivery of the correct parts.


Expressway can customize inventory and distribution programs for virtually any fleet regardless of location, volume, or make of equipment operated.



Expressway Trucks offers used Volvo and Hino parts for sale.

We have a wide variety available at any given time, or we can help you source a part you need.


Please call to see what we are currently parting out.